What They Do
Software developers are in charge of developing, creating, modifying, and maintaining computer applications for a company. ("Software Developers, Applications") They may either do this themselves, or work with a team of programmers, depending on the size of the company and it's goals. Usually, the development process starts with planning out the different portions of a program and how they will work together. At this point, either the developer or the programmers that he/she is directing writes the code for the program. As different portions of the software are completed, a software developer may link the different pieces together. At any time, a developer may also need to edit the overall design of the program depending on how it is coming together. Throughout development, software developers also need to keep track of the costs accumulated. (Freedman 58) Once the software is created, developers may need to teach others how to use it and make sure the software continues to work for them as expected.

As a software developer, it is common to have to work with a team of programmers to make your solutions happen. Usually, the software developer leads the design and makes sure that the end result is going to be a coherent, functional program. Software developers may also work with other specialists to improve upon the software and make it better. ("Software Developers, Applications") In general, this position involves working with others to plan and create a program.
Clients and Others
Depending on the type of company, a software developer may need to work with clients to determine their needs for a program. ("Software Developers") They then have to interpret these needs and determine the best way to meet them. Once a program is written, a developer may need to work with the client to see if all their expectations are met.